We are honored by your visit to the Al Awael Schools headquarters to view the school facilities
Registration is available for the 2024-2025 academic year
We welcome you during the week from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm
Al-Awael Schools are a lofty scientific beacon in Türkiye
Contact us and get early registration discounts for the 2024-2025 academic year

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Our Services


In the kindergarten stage, children learn a variety of skills, including social and emotional skills.

Primary stage

The primary stage is one of the most important stages of education, as it serves as the foundation for developing students' skills and preparing them for subsequent educational stages and their profes

Middle School

Education in the preparatory or middle stage is of great importance in developing and preparing students for the secondary education stage, as well as for their future in the job market and society in

High school

Education in the secondary stage is of great importance and significance in the lives of students, as it is the final stage before entering higher education or the job market.   &nb

Awael Summer Club

Awael Summer Club is a club that offers students the opportunity to learn a variety of skills in an educational and entertaining setting

Training courses

Training courses will be announced soon


Lebanese curriculum

The Lebanese curriculum stands out for its use of two languages, with English being used for scientific subjects and Arabic for literary subjects.

British curriculum

We follow the British Edexcel education system provided by Pearson, an international company specializing in education and academic qualifications.

Our Events

Our old students

Awal has evolved alongside its alumni, the majority of whom have graduated from renowned universities and made significant strides in diverse fields. Among them are accomplished doctors, innovative engineers, talented artists, and successful leaders. Their achievements mirror the dedication and perseverance they exhibited during their academic pursuits. We take pride in the role our school played in their accomplishments and firmly believe that the education they received from their teachers laid a robust groundwork for their future success and excellence. We are confident that they will serve as educational ambassadors, embodying the values and vision of our schools within society

What they said about us

Three decades of experience and experience in the field of education. We are proud of the evaluations of our dear students
Awael achieved a large number of positive evaluations that reflect the satisfaction of our students and their families, their confidence in our pedagogical and educational services

Mobility and transportation

Transportation prices

The transportation company agrees to the prices set by the Greater Istanbul Municipality....

Official school buses

The buses are owned by Özçetinler, which guarantees the safety and security of all its vehicles....

Follow up via the live website

You can track your children's journey to school via the dedicated website....

Approved transportation company

Özçetinler A Turkish company was selected to ensure the well-being and security of our students....